Monday, April 29, 2013

Blog Post 27: The Five Pillars of Islam

Mr. Sanchez
April 29, 2013

1) The shahadah is the Muslim declaration of faith the proclaims the belief of oneness. It central to the Muslim faith because it affirms the Muslim belief that there is only one God.
2) Salat is the performance of ritual prayers in the proper way five times a day. It mentally helps Muslims to live in obedience to the will of Allah because it gives them time to focus on their beliefs and how they will live them out. Physically, salat requires a person to bow down into a vulnerable position, signifying that Allah is mightier than humans.
3) Zakat is the paying of alms tax to benefit the poor and needy. It shows that Allah’s will is for all people to be taken care of and treated equally. Through their almsgiving, Muslims are committed to helping the less fortunate in their communities.
4) Sawm is the practice of fasting during Ramadan. It mentally allows a person to live in obedience to the will of Allah because it requires a person to fast all day; something that is hard for many to do without faith or a reason. It physically  allows a person to live in obedience to the will of Allah because it reinforces that suffering that the marginalized go through on a daily basis, thus reiterating the message of zakat.
5) The hajj is a pillar of Islamic faith because it allows believers from all over the world to come together to practice their faith as a global community. This is similar to the Catholics going to the mass when Pope Benedict came to America to profess our faith to the holy father; however, it differs because Muslims go to Mecca all at once while only a handful of the Catholics in America got to see the mass in person. Additionally, the hajj is required for Muslims; it was not required for Catholics to go and see this mass. However it would have been really awesome
6) Many of the possible challenges of living the Five Pillars stem from living in a non-Muslim country. When everyone has the same goal in mind, it is easier for a person to focus on what they need to do. However, when those practicing the Five Pillars, especially salat and sawm, are the minority, it may be difficult for one to focus on their faith. There are many obstacles that come with being Muslim and therefore it is important that these people remain close in their faith.

Blog post 26: 99 Names of God

Mr. Sanchez
April 29, 2013

The first name I choose was "The All-Knowing." I choose this because of the masculine personification it takes on. It is interesting to think of God as All knowing. He knows your every thought, action, purpose, future and everything. While God does not judge us based upon this information, it makes me want to be better. Have better thoughts and actions. This name applies to God because he is all knowing.

The second masculine name I chose was All Powerful. This has the same context as the first when it comes to how it applies to God. God has all the power. He has the ability to do whatever he chooses. It is interesting to think about this too, because with all the bad things that have happened in the world in the past few years, I keep saying that "God is smiting us" for all the bad things we have done. but he also has the ability to provide us with miracles and beautiful landscapes. He is all powerful.

The first feminine name I chose was the magnificent. I sang this song when i was younger about Mary, and it was about how magnificent she was. now when I see the word, I think of Mary. She played an important role in Jesus's life and how he developed into the savior of the World. I think that is a good cooralation between the female aspects of the word. and the word itself.

Finally, The glorious was a more fememine name in my opinion. I think glorious is reserved for more fememine terms because it is just more girly, I really don't know how to explain it...

All four names refer to God because god is all powerful and all knowing. He is magnificent and glorious in the most masculine way possible. These words are just some of a few ways to describe him and his wonderful being. Without him, we would be nothing. These words are simple terms for all that God is. He is more then just all knowing and all powerful and magnificent and glorious. He is perfection.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blog Post 24: Islam Webquest

Mr. Sanchez
April 23, 2013

   1. What is the highest estimate for the total number of Muslims that live in the world today? At least 2.1 billion
2. List 10 countries who have a Muslim population of 86% or greater. China, India, France, Germany, UK, USA, Argentina, Cuba, Brazil and Bolivia.
3.     What country has the largest Muslim population? Indonesia
4.     How many Muslims are there in the United States? 6.58 million
5.     Summarize each key beliefs below in a complete sentence:
·      Belief in God:  Muslims believe in one unique God, who has no son or partner. No one shares his divinity.
·      Belief in Angels: Muslims believe in the existence of the angles and that they are honored creatures. The angles worship God alone.
·      Belief in God’s Revealed Books: Muslims believe that God revealed books to His messengers as proof for mankind as guidance for them.
·      Belief in the Prophets and Messengers of God: Muslims believe in messengers of God starting with Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus.
·      Belief in the Day of Judgment: Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment when all people will be resurrected for God’s judgment according to their beliefs and deeds.
·      Belief in Al-Qadar: Muslims believe in Al-Qadar, which is Divine Predestination, but his belief in Divine Predestination does not mean that human beings do not have freewill.
 6. Go to the following websites and put 3 of Muhammads sayings in your own words:
- struggling means going against yourself, but submitting to allah at the same time
- stay honest and pure
- dont be angry, it goes against Allah
7. What does the Quran provide? 
7.     What does the Quran provide? It deals with the subjects that concern human beings: wisdom, doctrine, worship, transactions, law etc.
8.     In what language(s) does the Quran exist? Why? Only Arabic because it was revealed in that language. But in English translation as well.
9.     During which month was the Quran sent down from Heaven? 9th month
10. What did the angel Gabriel command Muhammad to do? What happened next? Commanded Muhammad to read and then he taught Muhammad some verses from the Quran, which Muhammad memorized.
11.  List and explain the 5 pillars of Faith:
·      Shahada (Testimony of faith): Most important pillar. One is required to say with conviction at least once in his or her life.
·      Salat (Prayer): Muslims pray 5 times a day- dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and night. Prayer often occurs in a mosque, but Muslims may pray anywhere.
·      Zakat (almsgiving): Charitable giving is a requirement of faith for all Muslims. Used to benefit the poor.
·      Slyam (Fasting): literally means any ritual fasting, but is generally understood to refer to ritual fasting during the month of Ramadan. From dusk to dawn for the entire month, Muslims must refrain from eating, drinking and engaging in sexual relations.
·      Hajj (Pilgrimage): During the last month of the Islamic calendar, about two million Muslims ascend to the city of Mecca for the Hajj.  Every able-bodied Muslim is required- if finances permit to make it at least once in their life.
Why are they important?:  Helps to strengthen their faith in and service to Allah.
Why is cheating on the 5 pillars impossible?: Because all Muslims strive to perform, regardless of anything.
Compare the 5 pillars with similar activities in other religions: In Christianity, we have times of lent where we do not eat meat. Asking God for forgiveness. The Quran is similar to the Bible in Christianity.
12. What is Ramadan? 9th month of Islamic calendar
13. What restraints are placed on Muslims during Ramadan? Not allowed to eat or drink during the daylight hours. Smoking and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting.
14. What can destroy the good acquired during Ramadan? Telling a lie, slander, denouncing someone behind his back, a false oath and greed or covetousness.
15. Why is the 27th day of Ramadan significant? Muslims celebrate the Night of Power. It is believed that on this night Muhammad first received the revelation of the Holy Quran.
16. What happens when Ramadan ends? It is celebrated with one of two Islamic festivals.
17. What are 3 reasons Ramadan is important? Constitutes a period of atonement. The gates of Heaven are open. And the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained up in Hell.
18. Why is easier to do good during Ramadan? Good actions keep the devil away since he is chained in Hell.
19.  List 5 interesting facts you learned from the websites above:
  1. Islamic divorce rules favor men.
  2. Muslims believe in one unique, uncompareable God.
  3. To become a muslim, one must  Simply say 'there is no god apart from God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.' By this declaration the believer announces his or her faith in all God's messengers, and the scriptures they brought. 
  4. Islam goes back to the time of Abraham just like Judiasm and Christianity
  5. The Quran is a record of the exact words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad