Sunday, October 14, 2012

Man With No Face

Christians in the world- 6
October 14, 2012
Man With no Face Essay
Charles is a young boy who has a desire of going to boarding school. Just like any true desire, when he does not get into the boarding school of his choice because he failed the test, his mother gave up hope, almost gladly, because it meant Charles was not going anywhere. However, this made Charles more determined than ever to fulfill his desire. Because of this, he seeks out the help of a teacher, one who is not the most popular in the town. It is not until Chuck really gets to know McLeod, Mel Gibson’s character, that certainty of his love that Chuck actually lets McLeod tech him fully, not just in preparation for the exam, but about friendship and acceptance.
            I think the first time Chuck is really uncertain of McLeod was when McLeod asked him to dig holes for him. The first was in a shape of a cube, the other was a triangle. McLeod had no real reason for this, other than the fact that he wanted to build his work ethic and also to build his trust. However, these little things were the building blocks of their relationship. The next time was when McLeod asked him to write an essay on anything he wanted, and Charles plagiarized taking the easy way out. Eventually, Charles complies with McLeod, learning his way of teaching. However, I think the most important moment was when McLeod yelled at Charles because he was staring at his scars, which scared Charles. This was the breaking point in their relationship that cracked the fear and doubts that Charles had about McLeod. Shortly after this scene, McLeod showed Charles his artwork and talent, which opened the door for Charles to ask the all-important question about what really happened to make McLeod’s face and body the way it was. This was the beginning of their friendship, which never diminished.
            It was when Charles’s sister told him what really happened to his father, that he killed himself in a mental hospital, that their friendship is tested by those around them. Charles’s mother finds out that McLeod is teaching Charles, she interrogates him, asking questions like ‘did he ever touch you,’ which launched a full blows interrogation about McLeod’s past with the accident he was in. Because of this, the two were never allowed to see each other again. However, the movie ends happily, when Charles graduates from the boarding school, and McLeod is seen walking away, and just before he disappears, he turns around and waves.
            Charles’s certainty grows in McLeod, despite his fear and doubts because of the strength in their friendship. He knows the truth about McLeod, and I think McLeod appreciated the fact that someone finally took the time to get to know him, and was actually able to look past his mistakes, like the car accident. Charles specifically says on a car ride home from flying a plane that he could no longer see the scares on his face a body. He was able to look past them and see the beautiful that is inside him. This is what allows Charles to grow despite the doubts and fear he has.

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