Christians in the World-6
November 26, 2012
1. The gifts of the holy spirit are very interesting. I remember being forced to memorize them as a child going to Confirmation class. Wisdom, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, fear of the lord, and understanding. After reading the document by Jim Seghers, I actually understand them. The ones I see most in my own life are Counsel, Fortitude and Fear of the Lord. I think I demonstrate Counsel because when decisions get hard, I tend to do what is right. With fortitude, it kind of has to do with the same thing as Counsel, I tend to avoid bad situations. Also, with fortitude, it is meant to give us determination to push past obstacles in our life and rely on God. I talked about this idea in my in class essay. How I feel like I have more drive then I can deal with, and despite all the horrible things that Have happened to me, I (kind of) believe God has a purpose for me. There is some crazy reason I was put on this earth, and I just need to trust in him. Finally, Fear of the Lord is very prominant in my life because I tend to worry about what others, mainly those above me, think about what I do, what i say. I fear I am not doing something right, or I can't understand something well enough. I fear doing wrong in the eyes of those who I love, or who respect me.
2. If I had to pick one gift that I need most right now, It would have to be Fortitude. I said before how I feel like I have a purpose on this earth and can persevere through anything, but if I was being really honest, I don't always feel this way. I take advantage of the life that has been handed to me. I don't always think I have a purpose. It is very had to have this mentality when life constantly pushes its hardest hand into your cards. This is why i need fortitude. I do believe I have a lot of resiliency, and I know what I am capable of getting through, but Fortitude will allow me to realize my true purpose.
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