Sunday, December 16, 2012

Vocabulary for Mid-Term

Christians in the world-6
December 13, 2012

1.X and Arrows- x is the religious sense, while the arrows are religions trying to makes sense of the religious sense.
2.Desire-what one wants, and longs for in life, both religious and non.
3.Reality- the world that faces us with all its truth and such.
4.Four truths of the I- I did not make myself, I can not make myself happy, my abilities are limited, my desires are limitless
5.Religious sense- being able to see through things
6.Ontology-the being
7.Being- existence, being alive
Annointing of the Sick
8.Suffering- Experience or be subjected to something bad or unpleasant.
9.Christ the Phyisican- Christ healing those like when he healed the blind and sick, like he was a physician, 
10. Original sin- The tendency to sin innate in all human beings, held to be inherited from Adam in consequence of the Fall.
11. Presbyters-  Of, relating to, or denoting a Christian Church or denomination governed by elders according to Presbyterianism.
12. Who Administers a sacrament? Priest, deacon, bishop, pope
13. Who receives the sacrament? anyone about to die
14. Viaticum-  is a term used especially in the roman catholic church for the eucharist (communion) administered, with or without anointing of the sick, to a person who is dying, and is thus a part of the last rites 
15. Graces- This is the grace that quiets anxiety and dissipates fear.It is the grace which enables the sick person to embrace God's will and to face the possibility of death without apprehension.It is the grace which gives the soul the strength to face and conquer whatever temptations to doubt, despondency, or even despair may mark Satan's last effort to seize this soul for himself.
16. Effects- spiritual tranquility and strength
17. Theodicy- The vindication of divine goodness and providence in view of the existence of evil.
18. Apocalyptic- Describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world.
19.  Apostate-(chiefly in Roman Catholic contexts) The position or authority of an Apostle or a religious leader.
20. Oil of the sick- blessed oil used in the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick..
21. Extreme unction- (in the Roman Catholic Church) A former name for the sacrament of anointing of the sick, esp. when administered to the dying.
22. Society of Jesus- another name for Jesuits
23. Stations of the cross- (Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of fourteen prayers said before a series of fourteen pictures or carvings...

26. declaration of nullity- According to the Catechism “ The Church holds the exchange of consent between the spouses to be the indispensable element that "makes the marriage." If consent is lacking there is no marriage.  The consent consists in a "human act by which the partners mutually give themselves to each other": "I take you to be my wife" - "I take you to be my husband." This consent that binds the spouses to each other finds its fulfillment in the two "becoming one flesh. The consent must be an act of the will of each of the contracting parties, free of coercion or grave external fear. No human power can substitute for this consent. If this freedom is lacking the marriage is invalid. For this reason (or for other reasons that render the marriage null and void) the Church, after an examination of the situation by the competent ecclesiastical tribunal, can declare the nullity of a marriage, i.e., that the marriage never existed. In this case the contracting parties are free to marry, provided the natural obligations of a previous union are discharged. 
27. Contraception-The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse.
28. Sterilization-the act of making an organism barren or infertile (unable to reproduce
29. Natural Family Planning-any of several methods of family planning that do not involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs; coitus is avoided during...
30. Nuptial Blessing-Prayers for the blessing of a couple being married, especially of the bride.
31. Divorce-splitting of two married people in the sense of the governmental issuing.
32. Fidelity-faithfulness to another person
33. Polygamy-being married to more than one person at a time
34. Adultery-Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse.
35. Annulment-revocation: the state of being cancelled or annulled
36. Purpose of Marriage-Procreation!!
37. Procreation- Making children
38. Unity- oneness between a man and a woman
39. Intimacy-the love felt between people
40. Free Consent-saying yes to having sex
41. Exchange of Vows- when the couple talk to each other and give themselves to each other fully, right before they get married;
42. Grace- instituted by Christ through the sacraments
43. Family- the point of a marriage; creating a family for procreation and having children
44. Domestic Church- Christian Church and church (Greek kyriakon (κυριακόν), "thing belonging to the Lord"; also ekklesia (ἐκκλησί ...
45. Matrimony- The state or ceremony of being married; marriage.
46. Cohabitation- the act of living together and having a sexual relationship (especially without being married).
47. Marriage and Christ’s love-
48. Creation-The action or process of bringing something into existence: "job creation
Holy Orders
49. Diocese- A district under the pastoral care of a Christian bishop
50. Vicar-(in the Roman Catholic Church) A representative or deputy of a bishop.
51. Episcopal college-
52. Synod of Bishops-A synod (also known as a council) is a council of a church, usually a Christian church, convened to decide an issue of doctrine
53. Ecumenical Council-An ecumenical council (or oecumenical council; also general council) is a conference of the bishops of the whole Christian Church...
54. Infallibility- The inability for the pope or bible to be wrong
55. Imprimatur- An official license by the Roman Catholic Church to print an ecclesiastical or religious book.
56. Parish- A small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor.
57. Stole- A strip of fabric used as an ecclesiastical vestment, worn over the shoulders and hanging down to the knee or below.
58. Dalmatic- The dalmatic is a long wide-sleeved tunic, which serves as a liturgical vestment in the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, and United..
59. Presbyters- An elder or minister of the Christian Church.
60. Seminary- A college that prepares students to be priests, ministers, or rabbis.
61. Celibacy- an unmarried status.
62. Bishops- A senior member of the Christian clergy, typically in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.
63. Pope- The head of the Roman Catholic Church.
64. Priest- An ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church having the authority to perform rites and administer sacraments.
65. Deacon- An ordained minister of an order ranking below that of priest.
66. Cardinal- A leading dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church, nominated by the pope and collectively forming the Sacred College.
67. Clergy- The body of all people ordained for religious duties, esp. in the Christian Church
68. Chasuble- A sleeveless outer vestment worn by a Catholic or High Anglican priest when celebrating Mass, typically having a simple hole for the head.
69. Discern- Perceive or recognize
70. Areas of formation-
71. Grace-
72. Three Degrees of Holy Orders-
73. Definition- the initiation into the catholic church, original sin is taken from you at this time.
74. Proper matter- flowing water
75. Words: “I baptize you in the name of the father and the sun and the holy spirit.”
76. Designated Minister- Bishop, Priest, or Deacon, in cases of emergency, anyone
77.Biblical bias of baptism: Baptism is important because it relates to our keeping the unity of the Spirit. The term "baptism" is used in the Bible to refer to John's baptism, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of suffering, and in other ways. In this article we will only consider the one baptism which must be accepted to keep the unity of the Spirit.The apostle Paul entreated his readers to "preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Eph. 4:1-3. He then wrote: "There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all." Eph. 4:4-6.
78. RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process through which interested adults and older children are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.
79. Rite of Baptism of Children: Children who were not baptized as infants are also initiated through an adapted process of this rite, sometimes incorrectly referred to as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children(RCIC).
80. RCIA Process: For those who join an RCIA process it is a period of reflection, prayer, instruction, discernment, and formation. 
81. Cradel vs. Convert: I’ll take a wild guess and say that this has to do with either being baptized at birth or through conversion
82. Candidates: Anyone who wants to be baptized can be, if they are older then the age of consent, they must want it on their own.
83. Catechumens- A Christian convert under instruction before baptism; A young Christian preparing for confirmation.
84.White Garment- “The white garment represents putting on Christ. Announcing that the believer has become a new creature, having been clothed with Christ, the Priest places the white garment on the new Christian. He then proclaims that this garment is the outward sign of the believer's Christian dignity. In the case of infants, with the help of the parents, godparents and friend, by their words and examples, it is proclaimed that the newly baptised child be allowed to bring that dignity unstained into the Heavenly eternal life” (Catholic Doors)

85. Baptismal Candle- “Taking the Easter candle, the priest says, "Receive the light of Christ."Then, when an infant is involved, the father or the godfather lights the child's candle from the Easter candle. The priest tells the parents and godparents that they have been entrusted with this light so it will be kept burning brightly. Having been enlightened by Christ, the child is to always walk as a child of the light. The flame of faith which is in his heart is to be kept alive at all time so when the Lord comes, he will go out to meet Him with all the saints of the Heavenly Kingdom (Catholic Doors)
86. Oils of Baptism- “The Sacred Chrism is a perfumed oil that has been consecrated by the Bishop. (C.C.C. # 1241) When the Priest anoints the one to be baptised, he asks God to bless the believer with all the necessary graces to achieve a Christian life. The Word 'Christian' comes from the name of 'Christ' which means 'Anointed One'. The baptised person is admitted into the common priesthood of which Jesus is the High Priest” (Catholic Doors)

87. Water- “Water is used during the Sacrament of Baptism because it is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It shows the actions of the Holy Spirit during the rebirth of Baptism in God. (C.C.C. # 1213) From the believer's heart will flow rivers of living water. [Jn. 4:10; 7:38-9]” (Catholic Doors)

88. Effects of Baptism- washes us of sin, die and rise with Christ/freed from original sin, adopted son or daughter of God, become a part of a family (the Church), indelible character, gives the gift of the Holy Spirit
89. Definition- The rite at which a baptized person affirms Christian belief and is admitted as a full member of the church
90. Proper Matter- Anointing with Chrism
91. Holy spirit: (in Christianity) The third person of the Trinity; God as spiritually active in the world.
92. Age of  Discernment:the faculty of discerning; discrimination; acuteness of judgment and understanding, the age at which one is capable of making own decisions in the churches eyes; in this case, 6 or 7
93. Gifts of the holy spirit: Spiritual gifts (or charismata), according to Christianity, are gifts that are bestowed on Christians, each having his or her own proper.
94.Sponsor: someone who guides the confirmed on their journey in Christ’s love; A person or organization that provides funds or support for a project or activity carried out by another, in particular.
95. Correct Words/Form- “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”, oil on the forehead as a sign of the Cross
96. Designated Minister- Bishop

97. Fruits of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
98. Confirmation name: name taken from a saint in which the confirmed lead their life. In my case I choose Cecilia because ei like music and wanted her guidance.
99.Gifts of the Holy Spirit- Wisdom, counsel, piety, fortitude, fear of the Lord, knowledge, understanding

100. Pentecost- the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles
101.Effects/Implications- completes Baptism, roots us more deeply in the divine filiation, unites us more firmly with Christ, increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us, renders our bond with the Church more perfect, gives us special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith as witnesses of Christ and to never be ashamed of the Cross
102. Definition- The Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed
103. Transcendence: a state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience
104. Sunday obligation: part of the requirements of being a catholic involve going to mass every Sunday and receiving the sacrament.
105. Corpus Christi: A feast of the Western Christian Church commemorating the institution of the Eucharist, observed on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.
106. Transubstantiation: The actual changing of bread and wine into body and blood during the sacrament of Eucharist
107. tabernacle: A habitation, typically of light construction. A tent used as a sanctuary for the Ark of the Covenant by the Israelites. 
108. Consecration: a solemn commitment of your life or your time to some cherished purpose (to a service or a goal); "his consecration to study".
109. Transubstantiation- during the moment of consecration the bread and wine are and truly become the body and blood of Christ
110. Other Names for the Eucharist- Lord’s Supper, Breaking of Bread, Eucharistic Assembly, Memorial, Holy Sacrifice, Holy and Divine Liturgy, Holy Communion, Mass
111. Proper Matter- wheat based bread and pure grape wine
112. Correct words/form- “This is my body…this is the chalice of my blood”
113. Designated Minister- Bishop or Priest
114. Requirements for Reception- Baptism, 
to receive Communion worthily, you must be in a state of grace, have made a good confession since your last mortal sin, believe in transubstantiation, observe the Eucharistic fast, and, finally, not be under an ecclesiastical censure such as excommunication
115. Other names: last supper;


Monday, December 3, 2012

Call to Holiness Essay

Christian in the World
December 2, 2012
Call to Holiness Essay
When I first started reading through the writing assigned, the first thing that stood out to me was the Catechism entries, particularly the second one from the top. It says, “Charity is the soul of the Holiness which all are called: it ‘Govern, shapes, and perfects all the means of sanctification.’” I found it has an important role in the idea that if we need something, we chase after it if it goes away. In a way holiness is charity. And we should be chasing holiness not when it goes away, but until it goes away. That’s kind of a side note; I just thought it was really interesting.
Often times, we “don’t realize what we have until it’s gone.” I think this is the same thing. We get into relationships that we assume will always be strong and wonderful, but when things begin to crumble, we chase after them until it is either gone, or we get it back. The quote said the church failed mankind because she forgot who Christ was; she did not rely on it. This is exactly the same as the quote in the prompt. The church failed mankind because it failed to recognize the presence of Christ. In the same way, we fail Christ by not recognizing the call to holiness. (wow. I didn’t even realize I had made that connection until I did…). Like I said before, the call to holiness is charity according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Because of this, in order to realize the holiness God has to offer, we must do more charity. They everyday catholic should do more charity. It is a simple act; it doesn’t even have to be for the standard poor or homeless, it can be for anything or anyone. A small simple act for the sake of doing it: that is holiness.
As for the last part of the prompt, I can’t say for sure I know. Maybe saying Christ’s name without shame means without sin, and recognizing his presence. Part of being holy, at least from my talk at Kairos is not boasting about your love for God, yet not being shameful either. You have to have at equal balance. Part of Holiness is striving for holiness. You have to make an effort to be holy in order to achieve it. This is the most important part because it allows a person to fully recognize the presence of Christ, and at the same time you are not chasing sometime once it disappears. Unlike the church, you would be relying on the gift of Christ, and will not be shameful. I guess that is what it means to not be shameful when speaking the name of Christ. It could also be a part of reconciliation, meaning you can’t speak the name of Christ with sin on your lips. This means you must be a full witness to Christ. Witness in this case mean myrtr, and that is the essence of not chasing Christ after he has left.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Post 14

Christian in the world-6
November 29, 2012

1. It seems as though even though the young woman was some kind of prostitute with no father or anything, the only gift that the woman could give the young girl was the gift of the Lord, and baptism. Dispite the feeling the woman had for the girl, she was able to love her, and the baby, and through this, the reader understand that the gifts in the sacrament of Baptism are those of loving those whom it is most difficult to love.
2. She could possibly mean that she saved him from a life without the Lord. One can not enter in the lord without Baptism, and because she baptized him, he can be saved from his sins when the coming of Jesus occurs. She did not physically save him per say, she started him on the path to be saved. and Maybe in the process she saved the young girl as well.
3.The journey in the story is meant to symbolize the journey to being saved and being baptized and loved by God along the way. It is very difficult to understand and fathom a real "journey" when it comes to being Baptized, however, there really is a long journey that is involved, in which one must prepare their hearts and minds for the coming of the holy spirit and Christ in the sacrament of Baptism.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Confirmation Post 12

Christians in the World-6
November 26, 2012

1. The gifts of the holy spirit are very interesting. I remember being forced to memorize them as a child going to Confirmation class. Wisdom, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, fear of the lord, and understanding. After reading the document by Jim Seghers, I actually understand them. The ones I see most in my own life are Counsel, Fortitude and Fear of the Lord. I think I demonstrate Counsel because when decisions get hard, I tend to do what is right. With fortitude, it kind of has to do with the same thing as Counsel, I tend to avoid bad situations. Also, with fortitude, it is meant to give us determination to push past obstacles in our life and rely on God. I talked about this idea in my in class essay. How I feel like I have more drive then I can deal with, and despite all the horrible things that Have happened to me, I (kind of) believe God has a purpose for me. There is some crazy reason I was put on this earth, and I just need to trust in him. Finally, Fear of the Lord is very prominant in my life because I tend to worry about what others, mainly those above me, think about what I do, what i say. I fear I am not doing something right, or I can't understand something well enough. I fear doing wrong in the eyes of those who I love, or who respect me.

2. If I had to pick one gift that I need most right now, It would have to be Fortitude. I said before how I feel like I have a purpose on this earth and can persevere through anything, but if I was being really honest, I don't always feel this way. I take advantage of the life that has been handed to me. I don't always think I have a purpose. It is very had to have this mentality when life constantly pushes its hardest hand into your cards. This is why i need fortitude. I do believe I have a lot of resiliency, and I know what I am capable of getting through, but Fortitude will allow me to realize my true purpose.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Distance Learning 3

Christains in the World-6
November 8, 2012

1. Ludwig is confused because he doesnt understand the grace comes from the sacraments, and thinks it is "narrow" to look at it this way
2. The Church does not propose sacraments to deny God’s universal love and will to save. It does not hold that unbaptized people of good will (like the good thief cruicied with Christ) are necessarily denied salvation simple because they missed out on the “magic spell” of baptism.
3. Christ and the possibility of salvation for each person is forcefully maintained by the Church against carious Christian sects who assert that Christ has only redeemed a few or that God actively desires the damnation of certain people.
4. Through relationship
5. The sacrament of Sacraments, The Incarnate son of God; gnostocism
6. For such spirituality oftens speaks as though God is a sort of extended ether in the cosmos that He would never sully himself with the crudeness of matter. To be spiritual is to be more or less disembodied, to well in the realm of intuitions and concepts and secret mindset. It is assign of barbarism.
7. God likes matter so much that he declaerd it "good", and began to manifest himself in it after creation when he declared it good.
8. It basically means that it was meant that God was going to die on the cross and save us from our sins, giving us salvation and the sacraments.
9. They are the divinity of christ
10. Sacramentally comes from the old christianity itself of the stuborn insistance that God came to save the world, and became "local" so that he could touch us and call us by name.
11. Gives us the Idea that God might touch us.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Distance Learning #2

Christians in the World-6
November 4, 2012

The entire article is about how humanity has lost its divine sense of humor, and how those who can see it are able to see through. The only thing the Lord took seriously was the soul. Man without a soul is a thing. He also revealed that the universe was sacramental. The author goes on to say that sacraments combine a visible and invisible element. because we are human, we see the invisible side, or the meaning behind the sacrament, not just the sound, or material. Finally there are 2 errors that blind out understanding of the natural world; to cut off entirely from Almighty God; the second is to confound it substantially with him. The first error is like saying the clock without the maker. This means Atheism cuts off creation from its creator.

The Bible is a Sacrament
The author describes the Bible kind of like a movie, and God is the Chief actor. He says that God used material things, like a golden serpent as a symbol for love and trust and other things. in Greek, Sacrament means mystery. Within in God is everything basically. The humanity of Christ is what made man holy. The sacraments were a means of symbols for man as well. Man needs to see physical material things. We as humans hold onto what that material symbolizes

What Sacraments bring to man
Sacraments bring a divine life or grace. The higher life is grace, a free gift from God. Men tend to live in three levels, The sensate, those who deny any other reality, like the tadpoles in the story, the Intellectual, meaning like the scientists and historians, who are comfortable with existence, who rest their ideas of reality from facts and evidence and reason, and the divine, or where the human heart is brightened by the truth, which reason can not know.When God made us, he put part of himself in us in creation. (Kind of like Voldemort and Harry Potter.) The proof of Christ saving power is through the sacraments, communicated through the church.

Seven Conditions of Life
There are seven conditions in the physical and natural world. (five within the person, 2 not)
1) the person has to be born in order to live;
2) a person must eat in order to live
3) A person must throw away their childish acts and become an adult
4) wounds must be bound and healed, which i think means sins
5)All diseases must be drawn out
1) One must love under the governement
2)called to "proprogate" the human species.
In order to lead a Christ-like life, there are seven conditions (sacraments): Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick. A sacrament (as I learned it in 7th grade) is an outward sing of an inward grace instituted by Christ that encounter us during key points in our journey in life and give us grace. A sacrament has an outward sign; something visible like In confirmation, its the crism. However, a Sacrament must have three things: Instituted by Christ, Outward sign, Grace.

Power and Efficiency of the Sacraments:
Sacraments get their power from the Suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. Life is in blood and blood is in sin. Blood is the best sign of Sacrifice. The blood of Christ has infinite value because of his divinity.

The application of the Sacraments:
The sacraments are all different in how they are applied to people. Christ effects us in different ways from the time we are born and Baptized then when we are adults in Matrimony. We enter this realm of responsibility when we get married. like we aren't just responsible for ourselves anymore. The blood of Christ is powerful, like during eucharist, it is presented through the wine. Basically, the blood of Christ effects people in different ways at different times.

What is the Divine sense of Humor?
Humor is the ability to see though things. Something physical and something spiritual, a handshake lacks a spiritual aspect. Its given the adjective divine; (okay, this guy is actually kind of funny; the Jonas joke was really funny). The word temple was interesting; destroy the holy of holy; because I am the holy of holy. God saved his smile for heaven;

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The River

Christians in the World-6
October 30, 2012
The River
1987: "To cleanse us from our sins and to communicate to us," referred to page 6, when the preacher said you would be washed away of your pain in the river. Pain could be a symbol of sin, which is being washed away by the river, just like grace from the holy spirit cleanse our sins.
1988: "Being born to a new life," referred to page 8, when the preacher said, "You count now, you didn't even count before." Before Bevel "didn't count" but after being baptized, he was counted, or born into a new life, he was created.
1989: "Conversion" occurred when the woman says, "I know from it that this preacher can heal. My eyes have been opened! I testify to Jesus!" when the preacher asked her to testify to either Jesus or the devil.(page 7) The boy was also converted when he was baptized because he wanted to find the kingdom of God in the river, which caused him to drown himself.
1990: "Purifies his heart from sin, detaches man from sin," is present on page 7, when the preacher says, "if i Baptize you, you will be able to go to the Kingdom of Christ. You'll be washed in the river of suffering  son, and you'll go by the deep river of life." Being in the river to purify one's heart is kind of an on going theme.
1991:"Acceptance of God's righteousness" was on the last page, when the author talked about the Kingdom of Christ in the river. Bevel wanted to be one with God, and had accepted this, so he went to the river to find the kingdom.
1992:""blood has become the instrument of atonement for all the sins of man," is talked about when the preacher says that the river is the river of life made of Jesus's blood
1993:"establishes cooperation between God's grace and mans freedom," happens at the end of the story when God pulled Bevel into the river, and he gave up his freedom to go to God.
1994:"Wicked is a greater work than the creation of heaven and earth; the most excellent work of God's love," was shown when the preacher said something about how if you haven't come to river for Jesus, you haven't come for him. meaning you have to come for the grace of God, not just to be healed, which in essence is being wicked.
1995: "Holy Spirit is the master of the interior life," which for me was best shown when the author said Bevel was overcome with surprise at the coming of the Kingdom of Christ.
1996:"Grace is favor," was best shown when Mrs. Connin taking Bevel to babysit as a favor to his mother, and then takes him to be baptized and then prayer for his mother.
1997:"Grace is the participation in the Life of God," happens when Mrs. Connin gives Bevel the book "the life of Jesus Christ for readers under twelve." He entered in the participation of of the life of God with this book.
1998:"vocation to eternal life is supernatural." This occurs when Bevel come up for air the first time, could have been a sign that he was not ready for eternal life, but he showed his devotion and was eventually accepted in to the Kingdom of Christ
1999:"grace of Christ is the gratuitous gift that God makes to us his own life." this was kind of hard. I said it was when Bevel find out he was "made" by a carpenter named Jesus. Meaning that God Made us himself.
2000:"Gods intervention" This occurs when Bevel come up for air the first time, could have been a sign that he was not ready for eternal life, but God still wanted him in the Kingdom of Christ, so he intervened.
2001:"God brings to completion in us what he has begun." This is repeated when the preacher says, "All the rivers come from one River and go back to it like the ocean sea." it is like everything come full circle.
2002:"created man in his image by conferring on him," goes back to this idea of Bevel finding the Kingdom of Christ in the river.
2003: "Sacramental graces, gifts proper to the different sacraments." Baptism is the theme in the short story, and Bevel received sacramental graces with Baptism
2004:"Responsibilities of the Christian life and ministries within the church." Being baptized is part of the ministries 
2005:"we can not rely on feelings or our words to conclude that we are justified and saved." On page 5, the preacher says you have to come to the healing for Jesus, you can't just come to see. You can't rely on what you see in order to know that you are going to be saved in the end.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Man With No Face

Christians in the world- 6
October 14, 2012
Man With no Face Essay
Charles is a young boy who has a desire of going to boarding school. Just like any true desire, when he does not get into the boarding school of his choice because he failed the test, his mother gave up hope, almost gladly, because it meant Charles was not going anywhere. However, this made Charles more determined than ever to fulfill his desire. Because of this, he seeks out the help of a teacher, one who is not the most popular in the town. It is not until Chuck really gets to know McLeod, Mel Gibson’s character, that certainty of his love that Chuck actually lets McLeod tech him fully, not just in preparation for the exam, but about friendship and acceptance.
            I think the first time Chuck is really uncertain of McLeod was when McLeod asked him to dig holes for him. The first was in a shape of a cube, the other was a triangle. McLeod had no real reason for this, other than the fact that he wanted to build his work ethic and also to build his trust. However, these little things were the building blocks of their relationship. The next time was when McLeod asked him to write an essay on anything he wanted, and Charles plagiarized taking the easy way out. Eventually, Charles complies with McLeod, learning his way of teaching. However, I think the most important moment was when McLeod yelled at Charles because he was staring at his scars, which scared Charles. This was the breaking point in their relationship that cracked the fear and doubts that Charles had about McLeod. Shortly after this scene, McLeod showed Charles his artwork and talent, which opened the door for Charles to ask the all-important question about what really happened to make McLeod’s face and body the way it was. This was the beginning of their friendship, which never diminished.
            It was when Charles’s sister told him what really happened to his father, that he killed himself in a mental hospital, that their friendship is tested by those around them. Charles’s mother finds out that McLeod is teaching Charles, she interrogates him, asking questions like ‘did he ever touch you,’ which launched a full blows interrogation about McLeod’s past with the accident he was in. Because of this, the two were never allowed to see each other again. However, the movie ends happily, when Charles graduates from the boarding school, and McLeod is seen walking away, and just before he disappears, he turns around and waves.
            Charles’s certainty grows in McLeod, despite his fear and doubts because of the strength in their friendship. He knows the truth about McLeod, and I think McLeod appreciated the fact that someone finally took the time to get to know him, and was actually able to look past his mistakes, like the car accident. Charles specifically says on a car ride home from flying a plane that he could no longer see the scares on his face a body. He was able to look past them and see the beautiful that is inside him. This is what allows Charles to grow despite the doubts and fear he has.