Sunday, September 30, 2012


Christians in the World-6
September 30, 2012
Raymond Carver wrote the short story "Cathedral" about the a couple who has a blind man visiting them. The story begins with the narrator, who is the husband, explaining how the blind man was coming to visit, and how the wife had come to know the blind man, through a job she got reading to him. (The blind man wrote a poem about touching the wife's face. and that's when she left the job.) The narrator explains the suicide attempt of the wife as well, which was summarized on a video and sent to the blind man. Basically, the way these two communicate through video. Anyway. The blind man comes to visit, and the narrator is super bitter and uncomfortable with him being around. Because the blind man's wife just died, however, the narrator tries his best to not be awkward, which was kind of impossible in his case. After they eat, all three go and have drinks and eventually the wife goes up to bed leaving the two men to watch television. When the blind man asks the narrator to describe what is going on on the screen, they finally have their first real, semi non awkward conversation. The narrator describes the Cathedrals that sweep across the screen, and finally, the blind man asks the narrator to draw the cathedral, but with his eyes closed. That's when the narrator changes. (And also when the story ends.)
1.The narrator is really apprehensive about the visit. he asks questions like, "well what will I do with him?" and asks if he can take him bowling. He makes stupid jokes and acts really awkward because he is actually really nervous about how to treat the guy. It is kind of a really awkward situation for him, and he'd rather just not deal with it. It reveals that his character is, not really selfish, but at the some time he is because he wasn't really willing to deal with the awkward situation.
2.I know, at least from like movies and stuff that sometimes when blind people want to "see" something, they touch it to understand it full features, so yes, that is kind of how I saw it in the first place. He was trying to figure out what she looked like. I think because she wrote the poem about him trying to see her, she thinks that writing other poems will allow others to see her also. Poetry could be her way of communicating how she feels, and what she feels could be what she wants people to really see about her.
3.I actually love that line int he story, just putting that out there. But receiving another's friend could be, at least in the context of that line, welcoming them even though you don't exactly know them particularly well, or treating them like a friend for the sake of someone else, even though you may not exactly like them.
4.I think The blind man saw her in his own way. He probably had a picture of her in his mind, but that probably wasn't what she looked like. I don't think you really have to see a person to know them and love them. To see, for me just means that you have the physical ability of vision, as well with to be seen. However, the physical sight of someone isn't the most important part. A young girl could be physically seen around school, but people might not notice the way she laughs at them when they say the wrong answer. The people around might not see the pain the she is going through from a parents divorce. Sight isn't the most important thing when it comes to seeing things.
5. It could reveal that they just wanted to get high? I don't really know. I think they wanted to make the situation less awkward, and so they smoked the weed.
6.Cathedrals are a grad example of the cultures love for God. When I think about churches, I think about the Basilica of the National Shine of the Immaculate Conception. It is large, and beautiful, showing all the wonderful things about saints and God himself. The shrine shows the true love for God that the builders had. if they didn't care about God, it would have shown in the building and creation of the Shrine.
7.Describing a Cathedral is actually a lot harder then it seems. When everyone can actually see what you are describing it, it makes it a lot easier to describe, but because the blind man couldn't see, it made it a lot harder. At the end of the story, the narrator put himself in the shoes of the blind man, by closing his eyes. he had no idea what the cathedral looked like that he was drawing, and wasn't able to describe it. He doesn't see anything, however, he see what the blind man does. Not physical sight, but emotional sight. the sight you see from within...

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Christians in the World-6
September 23, 2012
I once wrote a scholarship essay on what freedom means to me. It basically consisted of all the things that constitutionally make us free; speech, religion, expression. I talked about how a few years ago I was in a situation that I felt didn't allow me the freedom of speech, because I was afraid of what people would think about me, and if anyone would believe my story, or would they blame me for what happened, which ended up being the case. I guess this kind of shows a time when i didn't feel free. I felt like everything I said and did was in the the direction of others, like I took into consideration of what others would think about if i said something/did something. being under this kind of power from others caused me to get very stressed and self conscience. But that really doesn't answer the question does it? I guess not.

A point in my life where I felt truly free when when I got my driver's license. I have always been the type of person who never really asked for help. I didn't like asking for anything to be honest, and I still don't. A big problem I had as a kid was that I was always asked to go to my friends houses, but I found myself making excuses to get out of it because I never wanted to ask my parents to give me a ride anywhere, or have to pick me up. I was also in a carpool with a senior, who happened to be my ex boy friend, and I lost a great deal of freedom to get over the relationship. Once I finally got my license, I was able to freely go out with my friends, get a job, basically have a life I guess. After getting my license, I was also able to get myself out of the vicious cycle of the relationship with my ex, and get over him (I would just like to point out that this is a miracle...just saying). I got a huge plate of responsibility when I got my license, and it gave me more freedom then I really knew what to do with, which was really good for my life, and my parents too, because they didn't have to drive me anymore, nor did they have to listen to me complain about how much I hated my carpool.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What is Wonder?

The Christians in the World-6
September 20, 2012
My object is a mini turtle pillow pet. As a child I liked to think the the movie Toy Story was real; that toys came alive when you left a room, and returned to their place before I got home. The possibilities of my turtle pillow pet are endless. What if his true identity was a purple unicorn, but he is really under cover as a turtle by day. I mean when I sleep with it, He is never in my arms when I wake up. Maybe that is it opportunities to become a purple unicorn. How should I know. I'm usually asleep.

Wonder, to me, is the heart of imagination. Wonder allows us to spend endless days trying to figure out things that are truly unimportant in the real world, but speak to our heart. As a six year old, I probably would have said Wonder is Wondering things, because wonder is something very difficult to describe. This kind of reminds me of when we had to write about 'I.' Its like everyone knows what wonder is, but not really how to describe it exactly.

As we get older, it is true that were are less able to wonder and imagine things. I think we are blind to what is going on in reality at a young age, while allows us to imagine, and do things like play house, or with Barbie dolls and have broad imaginations. While I am still able to pick up a Barbie doll with my little cousin after a long family dinner, I find it to be pointless. I find it really remarkable that she is able to think up things to play with the doll, her imagination is huge and ever flowing, and I can barely make a conversation for the Barbie I am holding. I think part of it is I am so much more focused on other things. As a six year old, I didn't see my parents fighting all the time, my family crumbling before my eyes, or the fact that I was failing first grade. I just saw the Barbie dolls, and wanted to play with them. Like I said before, we tend to see the truth of reality as we grow older and more mature. This is a tough fact to face, to be honest. When I was sitting with the Peer Ministers at the retreat we had right before school started, we all shared things we were afraid of, and I heard a lot of people say how scared they were to grow up, to lose that childish imagination and mature enough to deal with the reality sitting right on their toes: College, Senior year, family, media, everything. Some people were so absorbed in  being a kid for just a little bit long that they didn't see reality stalking them from behind. For some reason, I envy these people. I had to grow up a long time ago. I didn't really get to 'wonder' in my childhood, because I was too busy growing up and facing my own reality. I am not saying I didn't have an imagination, because I did. But my wonder began to diminish much earlier then I would have liked it to.

As for the quote, "Concepts create idols, only wonder knows," I think it means that some idols are created out of concepts that one could only discover through wonder. I don't really know how I feel about this to be honest, I mean, idols seem to be something that people who are older (Not old, just older) have created, and most older people have lost that true meaning of wonder. So I am not really sure what side to take on that.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This is Water Questions/Essay

Christians in the World-6
September 18, 2012
This is Water...
In the speech "This is Water," the speaker,David Foster Wallace begins with the story  about an old fish and two younger ones. When the old fish asks the younger ones how the water is, they respond with, "What the hell is water?" he goes on to say that young people are not aware of the things going on around them. David Foster Wallace bring forth the idea that life consists of fundamental choices that lie entirely within the human person and allow people to engage in the world differently. I find this to be credible to the extent of the human person and their own actions. While people can choose the actions they make, they can't choose those actions of the people around them, which could possibly effect their own life.
While Wallace's ideas are very true, we choose our own destiny by the choices we make, he has not placed into consideration the actions of others. While I personally may choose to get into my car and drive to school, forces outside myself could cause the SUV next to me to swerve into my lane, and kill me. While i choose to be in the car and drive on that road at that time, I don't have the super power to stop the accident from happening. (Trust me, if I did, I would get to school much faster on most days....). I often make decisions that have effected my entire life as of right now. I choose to work really hard last year, and as a result, I am taking harder classes, which causes my work load to increase, which more often then not, stresses me out more then I like to admit. These choices have been a fundamental choice, and have allowed me to engage in the world differently.for this reason I find what Wallace said credible.
Often, in the audio version of the speech, the audience will laugh and clap at the irony in Wallace's speech. He is often is making fun of the crowd for something they maybe didn't even realize they were doing like going to the grocery store and complaining about the long lines, or anything else he talked about in the speech. It was humerus to them because they probably knew people who do that, or maybe could see themselves doing it in the future. I work in a grocery store as a bagger, and right after 5:30pm, I see this same scene every day, so the fact that he mentioned it kinda made me chuckle a bit.
One thing in the speech I found really interesting was the way he changed the perspective of thinking half way through. he went from all the negative things about sitting on a highway in traffic when trying to the grocery store, then after a while, switched it to all the positive things that could be going on in the lives of the people around us. frankly, I find myself doing this too. My friends keep me in check with this too, always saying how I could totally have it so much worse off, and I guess that's what hit me the hardest when listening to the audio, even though that probably has nothing to do with the point of the speech. I found it to be most important.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Assignment 4

Christian in the World - period 6
September 11, 2012

1.  If the definition I got last year for the heart last year still hold true in this case, Caligula's heart is demonstrated by the author wanting him to want the moon, an object we know to be unattainable, his desires are limitless, but his abilities are limited.

2. I don't think it really says what they think, it more talks about wanting to find him, and figure out how this girl got killed. I like his heart, I like the fact that he desires to reach for something that no one else has attempted to do. It makes him a very interesting character.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

to be "reasonable" to account for something in reality-3

Christian in the World-6
9 September 2012
Object of my Choice
I chose a bed.
-it's rectangular
-it's short
-it's white
-it's purpose is for sleeping
-it can be sat on
-it does not move
-it is non living
-it does not have thoughts
-it was created by humans
-it has no desires
-it has a mattress and sheets
-it can be laid on
-it is made of wood and screws
-it does not have happiness
-it does not own anything
-it is mine, I don't share it.
-it can be broken down into kindeling
-it will burn
-it can be created into something else
-it is strong, (well string enough to support me) 

yeah, I don't think I can think of anything else...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Happiness

Christian in the World - Period 6
September 5, 2012
I Desire to Always Be Happy
I am always asked the question, "What makes you happy?" It is such a broad question. There are a lot of things that make me happy. I like excelling, and being the best at things, but I feel like it is human nature to want that. I find myself to be happy when in the presence of my friends, for they allow me to feel myself. Some people I hang out with I feel like I have to put on an act for, like I have to prove myself to them in order to belong, and that doesn't make me happy. But being around people who accept me for who I am, that makes me feel happy, and my friends do that. Notice how I didn't say my family; usually that is on the top of most people's lists, but it's not for me. I can look to my brother for happiness, but that's about it as far as family is concerned. I feel like sometimes I don't even know what happiness is. I am surrounded with happy people and places, but do I really know what happiness is? I think that's why I had such a hard time answering this question. I am not trying to say I am sad and depressed and alone, because that isn't the case at all. I feel as though I have accomplished a lot in this life, and I have so much going for me at this point. I play a varsity sport, starting every game, being team captain, one of the hardest working students, even though my grades don't show for it, I have a good group of friends. but right now I am asking myself the question, does all this make me happy? I guess I never really thought about it before now. I kind of assumed that since I haven't stopped doing it yet, it must make me happy. But what if it doesn't? What if have been wasting my life away striving for good grades, soccer scholarships, and marine biology classes, when in reality I want to be a writer, or a photographer? Whoa, hold on. I know that soccer makes me happy. I know that marine biology makes me happy. I think I like it when it comes easy to me. I like life to be easy. That makes me happy. However, when things get hard or complicated, I get the idea to quit. When school gets too hard, I stop trying so hard, and my grades drop. When we are losing during a soccer game, I get frustrated and want to just give up. Maybe my happiness is easiness. I really don't know anymore. I have gone in so many direction at this point, I should probably stop thinking about it. Oh well.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome to My World-assignment 1

The Christian in the World- Period 6

Welcome to My World
My name is Megan, and I am a senior in High School. I have attended catholic school for the past 12 years, and so naturally my faith has played a major role in my life. I feel as though I am a diverse student, both in the academic view, among other things. I am a varsity soccer player, and this year I was voted captain of the team. Soccer is a very important part of my life. It has allowed me to express myself in a positive manor, and I have become a part of the soccer family at my school. I am a part of the National Honors Society, and National English Honors Society. I have also participated in three of the bands at Bishop McNamara, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and this year I got into Wind Ensemble, one of the top band in the state. The musical part of me has been my undercover trait for my entire high school career, but it is one of the most important families I belong to. Being a part of my high school has shaped me into the person I want to be when I grow older. 
One of the most valuable things in my life is my friends. I have been through a lot of hard things during my high school career, and I have come to realize I picked a great group of friends who have stood by me through everything. Sometimes when my family could not be my crutch, I looked to my friends for support and love, and for this reason, they are most valuable to me.
I was born and raised in the catholic church, but I have found myself drifting away from God as I grow older. When I was younger I was told I had to go to church, so I did. Now that I am older and I am given the choice to go to mass each week, I find myself finding excuses to go late, and leave early. It was not until recently, when I was placed in the Peer Ministry program at my school that I realized the importance of God. I found a new love for going to mass, I pay attention more, and I try my best to be a good role model for my younger cousins and underclassman. However, I still see myself as the "cookie cutter Catholic." I don't pray from my heart, I say the prayers that were inscribed in my brain as a small child. I go to church every week, and I go to confession two times a year. I pray the rosary, and memorized the new mass text within the first two months, while most of my friends and family still have to pull out the cardboard pamphlet with the words highlighted at my church. When I talk to other people about their prayer life with God, they always say they speak from the heart and soul, especially when times get hard. When I find myself in a rough patch, or I am going through a hard time at school or my family, the last person I think about talking to is God, which is a really bad thing, and I know that. I am setting goals for myself to get closer with God. And for the first time, I am not saying it just to say it; I am putting my thoughts into action. I want to find my relationship with God again.
I am Irish and German, but most people can tell that right away by my last name, and the fact that I blush... all the time. Being Irish use to be the coolest thing ever to me. I use to brag all the time, saying "Oh yeah, well I'm 56% Irish... beat that!" Now it is nothing more then my last name to me. I guess as I got older, I found more important thing to brag about, like soccer and band and school.
I do not exactly know what I hope for in life at this point. I would love to say I know exactly where I am going, and where I want to be, but if I am going to be honest about it, I do not. I know I want to be a Marine Biologist. I know I want to college, I know I want to make myself happy with these things, but if I learned anything from my religion class last year, it is the four truths of the I, "I did not make myself, I can not make myself happy, My abilities are limited, but my desires are limitless." I guess I just want to do something with my life. Whatever it is, I will take it full force.