Monday, March 11, 2013

Post # 21 Judaism Questions

World Religion - 6
March 10, 2013

1. House of Study; House of Assembly; House of Prayer
2. Looking around the synagogue you will see the eastern wall, where the aron ha-kodesh  is located.
- The ark is the repository for the Torah scrolls when they are not in use. It also serves as the focus for one's prayers. Above the ark is located the ner tamid--the eternal light--recalling the eternal light in the Temple.
-  The scrolls themselves are covered by cloth mantles (covers) elabo­rately designed on the front. These mantles are open at the bottom and closed at the top except for the two openings that enclose the rollers. This and the other objects described below are considered holy and, once again, are never discarded when worn out. Often there are a number of other objects decorating the Torah.
- The 10 commandments come from Moses in the desert when the Israelites escaped Egypt.
3. A Jewish scholar or teacher, esp. one who studies or teaches Jewish law.
How to become a Rabbi:

  -There is some form of admission process that often includes testing, both psychological and subject competence
- One has to complete a minimum of 4 years of college
- The major differences between the institutions are the various emphases - Talmud, philosophy,Hebrew, history, Bible, etc. even though there are minimum requirements in each subject area plus a variety of practical Rabbinics, pastoral psychology, etc.
 - A minimum of 5-6 years and also one year in Israel, especially to develop a relationship with Israel and familiarity with Hebrew as a living language
 - Graduation or ordination is essentially the same kind of ceremony with various kinds of certification or diplomas. I chose to have all of my teachers sign my diploma, and while it took some time to receive, I am very glad as most are no longer living except in my heart and mind - and I miss them
 - Some Seminaries or yeshivot also require an internship to gain some practical experience
 - Some movements require a new graduate to start with a small congregation in order to learn all of the various elements of congregational or institutional life before moving up to a large congregation, UNLESS one takes an assistant position in a larger congregation which is much more narrow in function. 

4. Shabbat is primarily a day of rest and spiritual enrichment. The word "Shabbat" comes from the root Shin-Bet-Tav, meaning to cease, to end, or to rest; Every 7th day?
5.  First five books of the bible, no old testament in Judaism, but if there was this would be it....
Orthodox: Believe God gave them the Whole Torah; 5 million people
Reform: Promotion of moral law and monotheism. Services done in English;
Conservative: Services vary considerably; Some Conservative synagogues are similar to Reform, while others are close to Orthodox. There are some 800 Conservative synagogues, with some 1.5 million members, in North America. The 1990 National Jewish Population Survey found 38% of American Jews are Conservative. The Conservative movement in Great Britain and Israel calls itself Masoreti, meaning "traditional" in Hebrew.
Zionist: Theodore Hertzl, anti-sentiment; Historically, some Orthodox Jews had opposed Zionism because the Messiah had not appeared. But there were many religious Zionists as well. At the turn of the century, early waves of Zionists began settling in Palestine. The British Balfour Declaration of 1917 gave their cause international legitimacy. Zionists helped rescue Jews from the Nazis. The Holocaust increased support for a Jewish homeland, which was declared in 1948.
7. Hebrew: Hebrew is a member of the Canaanite group of Semitic languages. It was the language of the early Jews, but from 586 BC it started to be replaced by Aramaic.
8. Yiddish was the primary language of Ashkenazic Jews in the shtetl, found throughout eastern and central Europe. One of the Germanic languages, Yiddish is written in Hebrew characters.
a) Congratulations
b) Hello
c)  ?
a) Ceremony of circumcision
b) "Age of responsibility to the commandments"
c) Marriage is considered a natural and desirable state of adult life because it provides companionship and security
a) "first of the year." jewish new year
b) Yom Kippur is probably the most important holiday of the Jewish year. Many Jews who do not observe any other Jewish custom will refrain from work, fast and/or attend synagogue services on this day. Yom Kippur occurs on the 10th day of Tishri.
12. The idea of the Torah
13. I think it was the requirements of a Rabbi
14. Having holidays like the ones above are kinda like the ones we have.
15. The Idea of Rabbi's lol

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